Checkout the add-ons on the next page, when filling out your job description info.
To help hiring managers hit their targets in 2025, ex judicata is offering unlimited job postings at just $43.50 per job, per month until March 31, 2025.
(normal rate of $150 per job, per month will apply to any new jobs posted after March 31, 2025)
Post unlimited jobs for 115 days
Job posts are highlighted
Job posts are pinned to the top for 30 days
Ensure your company's role is listed for ex judicata job seekers to find for 30 days. This purchase will renew monthly at the same rate until canceled.
1 x 30 day job post
Post Job 150.00Ensure 3 of your company's roles are listed for ex judicata job seekers to find for 30 days. This purchase will renew monthly at the same rate until canceled.
For job packages consisting of over 3 jobs, additional add-on pricing, or bulk discounts please contact Emily Frye ([email protected]).
3 x 30 day job posts
Job post credits never expire